Archive | August, 2015


12 Aug
Actor Pavle Kujundzic

Actor Pavle Mara

If you look closely at the careers of the most famous actors and actresses in the world today, you can see that there is a pattern to their success. They have all reached the top of their profession not only because of their talent and good looks, but also because of hard work, dedication to continually learning their chosen craft and a passion for putting everything they’ve got into each and every performance.

Pavle Mara appeared in the Serbian film “Bicemo Prvaci Sveta,” (“We Will Be The World Champions”) by director, Darko Bajic, and played key characters in several Hollywood productions: “Killing Joan,” “In The Wilderness,” and is currently playing the character ‘Needles’ in the series “Batman Beyond, The Series and preparing for his role in the upcoming feature “The Party @ Connor Perry’s House”.has those same qualities. Pavle is an internationally known actor and has worked in theatre and film all over the world. He’s played ‘Captain Hook’ and ‘Mr. Darling’ in “Peter Pan The Musical,’ in Los Angeles, ‘Baker’ in the musical “Into The Woods,” in Singapore and ‘Copernicus’ in “Love of the Nightingale,” in Beijing, China.

He can play anything from a teenager to young adult to middle-aged man and be absolutely convincing. He has taken the time and effort to put himself through acting school and learn Spanish and Chinese, besides his perfect English and Serbian. He also keeps fit through the practice of martial arts, yoga, swimming and cycling. He’s ready for anything, anytime.

When Pavle came back from working on the Serbian feature film, his maturity and eloquence, along with his enthusiasm for film and acting in general, came out in the most natural way. He talked about his involvement in the soon to be released movie “Killing Joan” and what he thought about the film business and working with other professionals. Pavle especially liked working with director Todd Bartoo, who made him and the rest of the actors feel that their contributions to the movie were extremely important and valuable.

Pavle also talked about the difference between acting in the theatre and acting in film. Theatre, he said, is basically an actor’s medium in that the director leads you through rehearsals but once the lights go up and you walk out on that stage, you are on your own. You could even walk out there juggling with no clothes on if you wanted to. But in film, it’s different. You have to hit your mark and make sure you give the director everything he or she wants. There’s not a lot of control as far as the actor is concerned in film, anyway.

Pavle understands the nuances of both theatre acting and film acting and he loves them both. Perhaps this love of his craft is one of the elements that makes Pavle highly successful.